ASD MArket Place // Visual Systems and wayfinding
ASD Marketweek came to us with a challenge. It’s the largest wholesale consumer merchandise show for retail buyers in the U.S. and needed a design system that would help visually organize a large quantity of diverse vendors.

Instead of fighting the chaos, our re-design took inspiration from world markets where the excessive variety is part of the visual appeal. We wanted to highlight the beauty in visual excess, and use it to our advantage. I leaned into it by developing a modular design system that could work in tandem with color coding to give specific visual cues about a vendors location within the show and their industry. This modular system is a flexible language that the client can adapt to a variety of applications and surfaces.

To help visualize, we developed a few simple mockups that demonstrated the potential to the client, who were excited to then take the system and incorporate it into the show over the next few years.